Black Walnut

  • Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)

    Family: Juglandaceae

    The Black Walnut tree is a rather common tree in temperate regions.
    Ecologically, walnut trees are also indicators of well-drained soils, and they are a
    common tree throughout Ohio.

    The large alternate compound leaves combined with the chocolate brown outer
    bark and the presence of walnuts (on the tree or on the ground) make this tree
    relatively easy to identify
    Black Walnut trees provide food and shelter for forest-dwelling animals. Squirrels
    harvest the nuts while various bird species may construct nests in the canopy.
    From a human perspective, Black Walnut trees are one of the most valuable
    trees for woodworking and furniture building.


    Bark of a Black Walnut Tree
    Bark of a Black Walnut Tree