Family: Juglandaceae

The Pignut hickory is a common tree found throughout the eastern United States. Pignut hickory frequently grows on dry ridgetops and side slopes throughout its range but it is also common on moist sites.

It has alternate compound leaves comprised of (usually) 5 leaflets with the bottom two being slightly smaller. The color of the leaves is a dark green and the leaf surfaces have a smooth texture.

The nuts are relatively small and pear-shaped.

 Pignut hickory can grow to a relatively large tree; up to 120 feet in height with a diameter up to 4.5 feet.

It is a commonly planted as an ornamental because it is a large shade tree and during the fall its leaves turn bright yellow.


Additional References:



LEARN MORE  about the Woods on the Ariel-Foundation Park main site!


A special thanks to the students of the Field Botany class at Mount Vernon Nazarene University who wrote the reports on the various kinds of trees found in The Woods. These students include Chandler Cook, Grace Hall, Emily Kauble, Keith Kitchen, Madison Lotz, Kevin Maurer, Christina Norcross, Caroline Phillips, Dakoda Ramsey, Jacob Schott, Emily Smith, and Katelyn Stone.

All photos linked in this Learning Station courtesy of D. Mosher, Mount Vernon Nazarene University.

Appendix I

Plant surveys were done by the Field Botany class at Mount Vernon Nazarene University during the fall semester of 2016.  A summary of the class surveys for woody plants and herbaceous plants is available.